
To be and to make passionate followers of Jesus Christ full of grace and truth.


Everyone’s Welcome Church exists to bring glory to God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, gospel-centered community, gospel-centered service, and gospel-centered multiplication.   

Core Values

Living our lives under the authority of Scripture by the power of the Holy Spirit 

Listening to God’s voice, enjoying his presence, and confessing and repenting of our sins each time the Spirit convicts us 

Living in humble thanksgiving since all we have and are is a gift from God–therefore we cannot afford to look down on anyone 

Resting in peace and confidence, in the midst of a broken world knowing that God is still on the throne and is working out His plans even in the midst of evil 

Walking with Jesus as the Lord of every area of our lives, not just Sunday mornings  

Reaching out to the next generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ in Salineville and beyond 

Extending God’s grace to all no matter how difficult  

Showing God’s grace to others while we also uphold God’s truth following Jesus’ command in Matthew 18   

Working for the peace and flourishing of our region and not just our own welfare, to the glory of God                                                                                                                  

Not dividing over disputable matters, but loving and respecting all of God’s family as Holy Spirit born children who are each members of the Body of Jesus Christ